Why Overcomer Meetings?
1. Why not just use the Bible instead of a recovery program?
Recovery requires interaction with role models and encourager's as well
as a safe place to open up. Most people, whether Christian or not, tend
to live behind a facade. Overcomers groups provide a safe place to be
real with one another and remove our masks. Overcomers provides
practical guidance and support for victorious living.
2. Does everyone need recovery?
Our relationships with God and one another indicate a universal need
for recovery. Luke 10:27 sets the standard for healthy living. “Love the
Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with
all your strength, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor
as yourself.” To the extent that we fall short of this, we need recovery
to God and one another.
3. For whom are Overcomers resources helpful?
Teens and adults, whether male or female, un churched or churched,
unsaved or saved, uneducated or educated. We thank the Lord for
testimonies of changed lives from people in all walks of life!
4. What is the biblical perspective on small groups?
The Lord Jesus spent more time with the Twelve than with the masses.
He frequently ministered to small groups in homes. Overcomers groups
help us follow our Lord’s example. Many Bible teachings, such as
confessing our faults or bearing one another’s burdens, would be
unlikely without small group interaction.
5. What is an Overcomers group?
An Overcomers group is a small group of people who meet regularly
to share the strength and comfort found in Christ. Overcomers
meet on an ongoing basis and remain open to newcomers.
Participants encourage one another in Christ-centered recovery. The
group provides a safe place to share feelings and prayer requests.
6. Why Overcomers groups?
Overcomers provide an effective tool for helping one another
apply spiritual truths in a practical way. The biblical command to love,
support, and encourage others can readily be fulfilled. Overcomers
groups also provide the opportunity to be “real” with one another.
These groups provide an ideal setting and format for people to share the
strength, hope, and comfort found in our Lord Jesus Christ.
7. Why Christ-centered groups?
To try to overcome life problems without Christ is like treating cancer
with aspirin! You might relieve symptoms, but the root problem
remains untouched. Without Christ, we have nothing to replace negative
thinking and habits. Apart from Him, we end up with unfulfilled
lives at best and a lost eternity at worst.
Also, Christ-centered recovery overcomes self-centeredness. Instead
of using Christ to accomplish our purposes, we let Him use us to
accomplish His purposes. How fulfilling to experience Almighty God
bringing people to Himself through us! To help us all become more like
Jesus, God’s Word forms a vital part of each Overcomer’s Goal.
8. What difference does it make whether we identify Jesus Christ as
our “Higher Power”?
Jesus said, “Whoever confesses me before men, him will I confess
also before my Father who is in heaven. But whoever shall deny me
before men, him will I also deny before my Father, who is in
heaven.” “Whoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son
of Man also confess before the angels of God. But he who denies me
before men shall be denied before the angels of God.” Matthew 10:32-
33; Luke 12:8-9
These Scriptures have to do with the complete denial of Christ’s claim
upon our lives. Yet we believe they clearly indicate that we should not
be ashamed to identify Jesus Christ as our Source of strength.
9. How do Overcomers groups benefit the church and community?
Those who apply the biblical truths to their daily life learn to walk in
victory. True Overcomers become “Jesus with skin on” and bring a
Christ-like influence to the church and community. Biblical counselors
get better results with less effort as the groups encourage the spiritual
growth of participants.
10. How does an Overcomers group differ from a Bible study?
During Overcomers group, participants focus on the practical application
of the Scriptures in their Handbook. Occasionally, they may bring
up additional Scriptures. However, to encourage practical application
and sharing, in-depth Bible study is done outside of group. See page 43
for how to use the Handbook in a Bible study or Sunday school setting.
11. How does an Overcomers group differ from a “growth group”?
Most Overcomers groups are ongoing and remain open to newcomers.
Growth groups meet for in-depth, Christ-centered study on a chosen
topic for a specific number of weeks. Participation in a growth group
requires commitment to do the study and be accountable to others. Until
each study is completed, growth groups are closed to newcomers.
12. What is the relationship between an Overcomers group and its
sponsoring ministry?
The sponsoring ministry provides referrals, prayer, accountability, and
guidance. The Overcomers team can help meet some of these needs, but we
recommend that our groups hold themselves accountable to their
sponsoring ministry. The sponsoring ministry usually provides the
meeting place and may stock Handbooks for participants’ convenience.
Also, the sponsoring ministry meets with servant-leaders
periodically for a progress report. (By appointing servant-leaders in
whom they have confidence, the sponsoring ministry can respect the
group’s need for confidentiality.)
13. What common problems face an Overcomers ministry?
• Denial. People often hide behind a religious front to avoid dealing
with their problems. Attending church or keeping rules cannot be
substituted for a vibrant personal relationship with the Lord.
• Wrong teaching. Becoming a Christian doesn’t automatically bring
victory over all problems. It takes time to grow and mature. People
need mentoring to learn to walk in victory on a daily basis.
• A disinterested or judgmental sponsoring ministry. (Group servant leaders
need both accountability and encouragement.)
• Unqualified group leaders.
• Lack of biblical balance. In a healthy group, grace and truth
are equally evident. Neither mostly grace with little truth nor
mostly truth with little grace will be effective.
14. Can people outgrow an Overcomers group to the point where they
no longer benefit from participation?
Overcomers group provide an effective way to facilitate recovery in
oneself and others. As participants grow strong in the Lord, they can
reach out to those who are not as far along. No one outgrows their need
for openness, accountability, and giving and receiving support. However,
it’s up to individuals to choose their means of continued growth.
1. Why not just use the Bible instead of a recovery program?
Recovery requires interaction with role models and encourager's as well
as a safe place to open up. Most people, whether Christian or not, tend
to live behind a facade. Overcomers groups provide a safe place to be
real with one another and remove our masks. Overcomers provides
practical guidance and support for victorious living.
2. Does everyone need recovery?
Our relationships with God and one another indicate a universal need
for recovery. Luke 10:27 sets the standard for healthy living. “Love the
Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with
all your strength, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor
as yourself.” To the extent that we fall short of this, we need recovery
to God and one another.
3. For whom are Overcomers resources helpful?
Teens and adults, whether male or female, un churched or churched,
unsaved or saved, uneducated or educated. We thank the Lord for
testimonies of changed lives from people in all walks of life!
4. What is the biblical perspective on small groups?
The Lord Jesus spent more time with the Twelve than with the masses.
He frequently ministered to small groups in homes. Overcomers groups
help us follow our Lord’s example. Many Bible teachings, such as
confessing our faults or bearing one another’s burdens, would be
unlikely without small group interaction.
5. What is an Overcomers group?
An Overcomers group is a small group of people who meet regularly
to share the strength and comfort found in Christ. Overcomers
meet on an ongoing basis and remain open to newcomers.
Participants encourage one another in Christ-centered recovery. The
group provides a safe place to share feelings and prayer requests.
6. Why Overcomers groups?
Overcomers provide an effective tool for helping one another
apply spiritual truths in a practical way. The biblical command to love,
support, and encourage others can readily be fulfilled. Overcomers
groups also provide the opportunity to be “real” with one another.
These groups provide an ideal setting and format for people to share the
strength, hope, and comfort found in our Lord Jesus Christ.
7. Why Christ-centered groups?
To try to overcome life problems without Christ is like treating cancer
with aspirin! You might relieve symptoms, but the root problem
remains untouched. Without Christ, we have nothing to replace negative
thinking and habits. Apart from Him, we end up with unfulfilled
lives at best and a lost eternity at worst.
Also, Christ-centered recovery overcomes self-centeredness. Instead
of using Christ to accomplish our purposes, we let Him use us to
accomplish His purposes. How fulfilling to experience Almighty God
bringing people to Himself through us! To help us all become more like
Jesus, God’s Word forms a vital part of each Overcomer’s Goal.
8. What difference does it make whether we identify Jesus Christ as
our “Higher Power”?
Jesus said, “Whoever confesses me before men, him will I confess
also before my Father who is in heaven. But whoever shall deny me
before men, him will I also deny before my Father, who is in
heaven.” “Whoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son
of Man also confess before the angels of God. But he who denies me
before men shall be denied before the angels of God.” Matthew 10:32-
33; Luke 12:8-9
These Scriptures have to do with the complete denial of Christ’s claim
upon our lives. Yet we believe they clearly indicate that we should not
be ashamed to identify Jesus Christ as our Source of strength.
9. How do Overcomers groups benefit the church and community?
Those who apply the biblical truths to their daily life learn to walk in
victory. True Overcomers become “Jesus with skin on” and bring a
Christ-like influence to the church and community. Biblical counselors
get better results with less effort as the groups encourage the spiritual
growth of participants.
10. How does an Overcomers group differ from a Bible study?
During Overcomers group, participants focus on the practical application
of the Scriptures in their Handbook. Occasionally, they may bring
up additional Scriptures. However, to encourage practical application
and sharing, in-depth Bible study is done outside of group. See page 43
for how to use the Handbook in a Bible study or Sunday school setting.
11. How does an Overcomers group differ from a “growth group”?
Most Overcomers groups are ongoing and remain open to newcomers.
Growth groups meet for in-depth, Christ-centered study on a chosen
topic for a specific number of weeks. Participation in a growth group
requires commitment to do the study and be accountable to others. Until
each study is completed, growth groups are closed to newcomers.
12. What is the relationship between an Overcomers group and its
sponsoring ministry?
The sponsoring ministry provides referrals, prayer, accountability, and
guidance. The Overcomers team can help meet some of these needs, but we
recommend that our groups hold themselves accountable to their
sponsoring ministry. The sponsoring ministry usually provides the
meeting place and may stock Handbooks for participants’ convenience.
Also, the sponsoring ministry meets with servant-leaders
periodically for a progress report. (By appointing servant-leaders in
whom they have confidence, the sponsoring ministry can respect the
group’s need for confidentiality.)
13. What common problems face an Overcomers ministry?
• Denial. People often hide behind a religious front to avoid dealing
with their problems. Attending church or keeping rules cannot be
substituted for a vibrant personal relationship with the Lord.
• Wrong teaching. Becoming a Christian doesn’t automatically bring
victory over all problems. It takes time to grow and mature. People
need mentoring to learn to walk in victory on a daily basis.
• A disinterested or judgmental sponsoring ministry. (Group servant leaders
need both accountability and encouragement.)
• Unqualified group leaders.
• Lack of biblical balance. In a healthy group, grace and truth
are equally evident. Neither mostly grace with little truth nor
mostly truth with little grace will be effective.
14. Can people outgrow an Overcomers group to the point where they
no longer benefit from participation?
Overcomers group provide an effective way to facilitate recovery in
oneself and others. As participants grow strong in the Lord, they can
reach out to those who are not as far along. No one outgrows their need
for openness, accountability, and giving and receiving support. However,
it’s up to individuals to choose their means of continued growth.